I haven't posted a blog about my site in almost a year. Hmmmm. Lots of music added since then: my symphony number one, and the beginning of several movements entitled To Be Alive ______. The symphony is ambitiously named, always wanted to say that I've written a "symphony". It follows the traditional symphony form, mostly: four movements, moderate, slow, 3/4 time, and a fast movement.
The To Be Alive series are meant to combine the elements of a small combo and classical forms of stated theme(s), theme development, theme restatement and conclusion. These are named after the piece is partly written. A name suggests itself if I listen closely.
To Be Alive Clumsily also follows a format inspired by a book recently read by Louise Penny, "Bury Your Dead". This number six in a series of 12 books. Really good stuff. This particular story follows a previous murder mystery, and new murder mystery and a terrorist attack thrown in for fun. Two of the three themes occur in real time while the third theme is an underlying source of tension, interrupting, and disrupting the other themes. To Be Alive Clumsily more or less follows that format.